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bouquet subscriptions

Our bouquet subscriptions are the perfect way to get regular bouquets throughout the height of our growing season.


What is a bouquet subscription?


Well, it's like a magazine subscription where you purchase the subscription now and the magazines come later...only with flowers. :-)  Your purchase of a bouquet subscription comes with the promise of 6 total bouquets, 1 every-other week, starting in late Jun/early July and running throughout the summer. 


You have the choice of having your bouquet 1) pre-arranged in a quart-size mason jar or 2) wrapped in paper (allowing you to arrange at home in your own vase).


I always put the best flowers of the week in subscriber bouquets. It's my way of saying thanks for supporting the farm in this way.


Bouquets will be available for pick-up at the flower farm on Thursdays - late afternoon / early evening.  We usually have them setting out on our porch for a quick and easy grab-and-go pick-up.


The start date of subscriptions is TBD but estimated to be either June 27 or July 11.  (This avoids the 4th of July week when many might be vacationing.)  The exact start date will be confirmed with subscribers about two weeks prior to the first pick-up. 

Want one?  Click on the button below.


Have questions?  Visit our FAQ page.

Please see our FAQ page for additional info on subscriptions.

Email us at if you have any questions.

enjoy these pretty flower pictures :-)

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(don't worry, we won't spam you...we usually only send about one email / month)

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